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Online Membership Processing


Online membership processing is now available for the 2023-2024 season, which runs from July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025. Please renew your membership or join Rye FSC by clicking on the button below:



Permission Form


To print a home club permission form, click on the

‘Rye FSC Membership’ button above. From here, you can sign in to your Entryeeze membership account. Once in your member profile you’ll be able to generate the form by clicking on the blue ‘Get a permission form’ button.

Why Join Rye FSC?

As stated on the USFS website, "As the national governing body for the sport of figure skating in the United States, U.S. Figure Skating's mission is to provide programs to encourage participation and achievement in the sport of figure skating and also to provide the best possible experience for all participants. The best way to be a part of U.S. Figure Skating is to be a member of a USFS-affiliated club."  Members of USFS and the Rye FSC enjoy the following benefits:

Right to compete, perform and participate in all sanctioned events, including USFS and Rye shows and competitions.

Celebrate testing achievements and receive USFS testing medals and pins at
Rye FSC's annual awards & member recognition ceremony.


Skate on Rye FSC-sponsored evening club ice at the historic Rye Playland Ice Casino in Rye, NY (additional fees apply).


Earn certificates of accomplishment from USFS for passing proficiency tests and performance recognition at qualifying competitions.


Priority access to frequent Rye FSC-sponsored moves, freestyle and dance test sessions.


Community recognition via Rye FSC's testing accomplishment letters, sent to your school.


Membership Card with USFS membership number.


Subscription to SKATING Magazine.


Maintain a record of skating activities and accomplishments.


Sponsor promotions and discounts (e.g. Hilton Hotels, United Airlines).


Member of the National Governing Body for the sport of figure skating.


Customer service and support from headquarters staff.

We have six home club membership categories. Below are descriptions. If you have questions, please contact us.


Home Club Membership

Six Options


Associate Membership

Two Options

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